External elements like winds and hailstorms can damage your home’s exterior, but how can you tell if they were the direct cause of this damage? In this post, one of the trusted residential and commercial roofing contractors, Great Lakes Roofing and Siding, shares the subtle signs of wind and hail damage.
Missing Shingles
One of the most common signs of wind damage is when your shingles go missing when high winds manage to lift and tear them from your roof deck. If this problem goes unnoticed, the gap left by the missing shingles could compromise your entire roof by letting air, water and other external elements into your home.
Warping and Bending
According to residential roofing contractors, warping and bending is especially common in houses that have vinyl or metal components. While these materials are inherently impact-resistant, they are bendable to some degree. When your home encounters strong winds and hailstorms, a vinyl siding could appear wavy or sagging due to the damage it has sustained, while metal components could look curled due to the wind uplift.
After encountering a severe weather event, do not hesitate to contact your local roofing and siding repair company to assist you with your situation. Have your home inspected for any signs of damage and have these components repaired or replaced respectively to avoid costly and dangerous problems in the long run.
Breathe new life into your home with new, energy-efficient siding. Great Lakes Roofing and Siding is one of the leading home improvement and industrial roofing contractors in Illinois. We work diligently to provide exceptional service from start to finish. Call at (224) 222-0470 or fill out our contact form to set up an appointment.